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Prof. Frederik Barkhof awarded the International Society for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Gold Medal


The International Society for Magnetic Resonance Imaging annual meeting presented it Gold Medal for contributions to the field to Frederik Barkhof, QSA Co-Founder and Director as well as Professor of Neuroradiology at the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology. Barkhof commented:

  • I felt humbled to be listed among a list of very prominent MRI researchers included Nobel-prize winners that developed and introduced clinical MRI, and am delighted to receive this award for my seminal contributions to the understanding of white matter disease and dementia using novel MRI techniques.”

Professor Barkhof’s research has used a wide variety of new MRI pulse-sequences and analysis techniques to study brain structure and function and established their clinical value in white matter disease and dementia, with a focus on histopathological validation, diagnostic criteria, disease mechanisms and prognosis as well as drug development. He said the award reinforces how collaboration between MRI physicists and medical doctors is essential to further the field of MRI and that this dialogue is vital for translational neuroimaging.

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